About Us
Contact Us
Address: PO Box 37 OMEO Vic 3898
Email: omeoshowsec@gmail.com
President: Graham Symons
Secretary: Lisa Lee
Treasurer: Maureen Webb
You can also contact us by using the form below
Show History
Coming soon... A history of the Omeo & District Show. Come back later to view.

Victorian Agricultural Society

Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd (VAS) encompasses 119 affiliates including 100 Victorian rural and regional agricultural societies, 11 Field Days, 7 Rural and Regional Shows in NSW and 1 Rural and Regional Shows in SA. VAS is a member-based, not for profit organisations that is dedicated to supporting local communities deliver local hundreds of events in rural and regional Australia. In addition VAS runs 29 state wide competitions, from Livestock to Homecraft to Show Ambassadors.
Last year over 2 million people attended a VAS affiliate's events. Victorian Agricultural Shows Limited represents one hundred and fifteen country shows and ten agricultural field days stretching the length and breadth of Victoria and into border societies in South Australia and New South Wales. VAS Ltd is a member based, not for profit organisation that is dedicated to supporting excellence in Victorian agriculture