Outdoor Events & Activities

Horse Events
Absorb the mountain backdrop to the horse events as they parade around the rings or compete in the jumps. Everyone looks immaculate in their riding attire – young and old as they compete for ribbons and sashes.

Yard Dog Trials
Enjoy the communication between the farmer and their dog as they skilfully move the sheep through the various pens.
Entry fee: $5-$15
Entry forms from www.vyufda.com.au
Event begins: 8.30am Saturday sharp
Perpetual trophy and individual trophies will be awarded. Competitors must be members of the VYUFDA except in the Encouragement/Local Event.

Whip Cracking
Have a crack or just watch the skills displayed by kids through to adults. Get those whips out and start cracking.
Entry Fee $3.00
Enter on the day between 9am & 12pm at the Secretary’s Office Box
Event time: 1 pm Saturday
Location: Playground

Wood Chop
Counting 1, 2, 3, 4 ....8 for the back markers. Watch the wood chips fly and the skill level required to chop the logs without losing a toe.
Entry forms due: 1/10/2024
Visit www.woodchopping.com.au
Contact: Chris Eaton.
Event begins: 10:30 am Saturday
All events conducted under the Rules and Regulations of the North East Gippsland Axemen's Association Inc. and the AAA. Program may be subject to change. Entrants must also purchase Showground entry wristband at gate.

- We hope to see our regular Sideshow providers again this year. We all love to win a prize!

Kids Amusements
The $10 kids entry fee gives the kids all-day access to the amusements.
Farm Animal Petting Zoo,
Face Painting,
Jumping Castles,
Sumo Suits,
Balloon Twist.
These attractions are from Marjo Jumping Castles from Sale, East Gippsland.
The Society thank the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal for providing funding that has helped us bring these attractions to you.

Trade Stands & Emergency Services displays & demonstrations
Walk around the arena and visit one of the many Trade Stands. We bring a range of displays to the Omeo & District Show including Riviera Nursery, Felt Fairy and the Swifts Creek Youth Group.
We are also pleased to have the local DEECA Forest Fire Services on display, with a range of fire fighting vehicles, information and local people to chat to.
Our local CFA, SES and Ambulance Victoria will be ready to show you through their vehicles and equipment and demonstrate some of their skills and abilities.